Garden Club 2013
At the first meeting of the 2013 Garden Club, we talked about possible topics for the meetings the rest of the year. After some discussion, we came up with the following schedule:
Feb - heirloom and pass along plants - have some plants to share? Bring them along
Mar - Small-scale vegetable gardening
Apr - Cutting gardens and making arrangements
May - Athens tour (East Texas
Arboretum, Sandy Perkins ' daylily
farm, Athens Organic) - bring a picnic lunch
June - English Gardens - Do it with Texas
hardy plants. ( Mary will share her photos from England )
July - Art of Garden Art - buying and displaying garden art
also share
your favorite flower medium - (book, movie, music, art that includes plants or
Aug - Houseplants (with special emphasis on African Violets
and Orchids)
Sept - Shade Gardening and those hard to deal with spots
Oct - Fall Festival
Nov - Garden Design
Dec - Christmas Party
If you would like to join our group of gardeners and learn more about any of these topics, you are welcome to come to the first meeting for free to see how you like it. If you then want to join for the remainder of the year, your membership fee will be prorated (at $6.25 per month). This entitles you to a 10% discount on all your purchases for the year.
Garden Club Tour
May 12, 2012
We had a great turnout, there were 24 of us in all, in a caravan of cars a block long.
Manon is a great client - she knows what she likes, she knows her gardens (where there is shade or sun during the day, trouble spots) and she know plants.

Despite the heat and drought of last year, and a troublesome armadillo, her gardens look lush and colorful this year.

This walkway was redone just the week before we toured with new flagstone and plantings at the other end. It looked like it had been there forever.
The next garden we visited had been on the Master Gardener tour the previous weekend.

We admired her knack for placing garden art in quirky and charming vignettes.
This is the view of her backyard from the patio. You can see her skillful use of containers and ornaments to fill voids in the beds and draw the eye to outer areas of the garden.

Our next stop was just down the street in the same area of town, but the garden was very different.
The owner had totally replanted his backyard last year in the middle of the drought. It is a testament to his green thumb that everything survived and is
filling in nicely.
The design of the yard was elegant, with sweeping beds surrounded by gracefully curving crushed granite walkways. The white columns in the back, in front of the fence are second-hand finds evoking the look of the old South. They will be less stark once the tropical-looking foliage planted behind grows to its tall mature height.
Jim also had lovely vignettes in his gardens, though his were more subtle than Julia's.
Our final tour of the day was at Sharon's house. I will let her post my photos of her garden that day on her blog
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